Saturday, July 21, 2007

Oral Traditions in Software Development

The requirements document will be the death of me. I don't have a whole lot of faith in the requirements document if only for the fact that I've yet to work with one that concisely and accurately expresses the needs and intent of everyone that it represents.
I can't stress this highly enough: I'm not very smart and I don't have much of an attention span. That's why "concisely" matters so much to me. You can make that requirements document accurate, but in the process you'll probably end up with something resembling the Yellow Pages for Manhattan. It's accurate up until the point where it puts me to sleep (about three paragraphs that resemble legalese in) and sooner or later, people will get hip to the fact that I didn't read it.
OK, I'm taking that a bit too far. I do read it as much as I think I need to in order to get the flavor of what I'm developing. People sweat way too much over getting into the down and dirty of how things are supposed to work, pre-chewing the details. For downstream consumers of this product (QA, client-facing folks and beyond) maybe this is a good thing? For me, I just want the broad strokes and I'll be able to fill in most of the blanks.
To fill in the gaps between the broad strokes, there's back and forth where I talk it out with the person who wrote the requirements document, because they know what we need better than I do. This works out great for everyone as we quickly hash out details and get back to what we need to do.
Well, it's great until months from now, when QA will have a new set of questions that weren't reflected in the original documentation because they didn't sit in the series of little meetings that development had with the requirements crew. And we'll have another sit down and chat and they'll see what the real intent of the functionality is or I'll go back to the drawing board.
Here's the thing - I really like how this works. Little meetings (30 minutes or so) when needed and when the particulars can fit it into their schedule. I don't have to read much of the documentation which is good for so many reasons, but mainly because people can tell me what they need better than they can write about how things should work.
But here's the other thing - I can see how one would look at this and be calculating a bus number of "one." The person that wrote the requirements document leaves the company and all of a sudden, you're back to just that dry document that's a subset of the expertise that they brought to the table. The developer leaves the company and all the discussions that the product developer had with them that they never inserted back into the original document disappear with it. People are left to scratch their heads over what's going on in with the application, not knowing that this is expected behavior.
Or QA or someone else walks into the application with the expectations laid out by the requirements document and finds that the fantasy of the documents doesn't meet the reality of the application.
I don't like documents.
I like talking things out.
I have no idea how to blend these two competing desires and turn what amounts to an oral tradition into a sustainable development model but if I figure it out, I figure I'll be a billionaire and then it'll be time to settle down to my life's ambition, hunting the most dangerous prey of all - MAN. Just fucking with you, I'll be so rich I'll pay someone to hunt MAN for me.

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